Tuesday, January 3, 2012

CVS brand Detangler

I have long hair...and lots of it. That being said, I carelessly let my hair down and let it bundle up in the collar of my jacket and whatnot. I basically didn't give a rats ass about my hair for a day and a half. In the morning I realized that my slacking had lead my to my hair resembling a rats nest. I grabbed a bottle of CVS Detangler (gentle formula) from the store and sprayed it on liberally.

I used my fingers to comb out my hair once it was damp, using a wet comb here and there. I have to say, it was much easier combing it out. I lost some strands as expected but much less than I would have without the Detangler. I also would have wasted a large amount of conditioner otherwise.

After I brushed my hair out, I hopped in the shower and did my normal shampoo and conditioner routine with the Coconut Milk brand. A few hours later, my hair is extremely soft and free of tangles :)

Verdict: I like it a lot!
Price: $3.29

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